Friday, January 7, 2011

John 6 - Jesus the eternal giver of life

There is so much in John 6 ... it is full of Truth we could discuss here but I am pressed by the Spirit today about only a couple of verses.  Jesus does some incredible miracles in the first portion of the Chapter but verse 26 has deeply challenged me today.  In it Jesus says "Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves.".  How often have I sought the loaves from my Savior?  How often have I chosen to seek out the filling of the physical from the one who has given me so much more.  I need to seek Jesus as the giver of eternal life, as the source for spiritual food and drink.  It is not that Jesus cannot provide the physical, but that should be secondary not primary in how I am to seek Him.  Jesus did not come and die on the cross for us to have an easy physical life, to be warm and well fed.  Jesus came to give us REAL LIFE, life that has eternal consequence and a depth of freedom that is unknown to humanity alone.  

I shall seek You my Lord, for You are the one who gives me true life and Your provision for me is far greater than anything this physical world has to offer.  

Then in Verse 29 we are reminded what the work of God is.  It is that you believe in Him who He sent.  The work of God is that we are to believe in Jesus.  So often I have found people who are like the crowd and they look for another sign, another proof, yet it is not about being convinced.  It is about the work of God in our lives.  What a beautiful reality for us that Jesus tells us in these verses.  Here sits humanity in a depraved and fallen state.  Enemies of God and seeking their own selfish desires, yet God chooses to work in us so that we may believe in Jesus.  My coming to a place of repentance for my sin was a result of God , by the Holy spirit, beginning a work in my life.  I believe in Jesus and trust Him as Lord of my life because God began that work in me.  Did I have to repent?  Did I have to believe?  Of course and so do you if you want to receive this eternal, renewed, transformed life that He gives.  But I will not fool myself, I cannot convince you to make a change.  But I do pray that God might use me and what I share as part of His process in revealing the Truth to you.

Have no fear, Jesus in verse 37 says "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out."  Praise God for this level of faithfulness.  That Jesus would be willing to receive all of us that the Father gives to Him and to keep us.  This is one of those passages that causes me to be humbled by His unconditional Love.  Jesus loves us this much that He will not loose us, even though we may not be so perfect, in fact often we are a mess.  It is no excuse for us to continue in our sin and garbage, may we never be those who accept our own sin and cling to Jesus Love.  My prayer is that we be those who are motivated by this great Love to live to honor and glorify the one who shows this love to us.  We are to live as His ant not for ourselves any more.  This is where freedom is truly found, the freedom to follow Christ and to be about the mission that He has given to us.

Spend time today worshiping the one who gives Eternal life and who holds on to you for ever in that life.  The one who has set you apart to do His will and to live in the freedom of His love.  Worship Jesus today, He is this provider.

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