Monday, January 3, 2011

John 2

As I read John chapter 2 again today a couple of statements really stood out to me.  as usual there is so much we could focus on in here but here is what God is placing on my heart.

During the wedding at the beginning of chapter 2, Jesus is approached by His mother about the problem of the wedding running out of wine.  In verse 5 Jesus mother says to the servants "Do whatever He tells you".  I really was challenged by this line.  Do I "Do whatever He tells me"?  Here we have these servants who probably did not know Jesus like we do.  Yet they brought what they saw as water to the master of the feast.  Do I follow Jesus to the point of risking being seen as stupid or silly or foolish?  We can now read and understand that the water had been turned to wine by the time the master tasted it.  But place yourself in the servants shoes, "put water in those jars, draw some out and take it to the master".  I would be thinking that I will probably be beaten for being an idiot, brining water when wine was asked for.   So often I find myself wanting to follow Jesus when I understand and what He asks makes sense to me.  I am challenged today that I need to follow with faith, even at the point of being seen as incompetent, by faith I need to follow Him.

I am not advocating that we check our brains at the door so to speak.  Rather I want to be challenged to obey when I know the clear direction He has given me even if it does not make sense to me.  This is the essence of living by faith.  Join me in living by faith this year.

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