Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Learning to BE

I really felt compelled today to write about "BE".  I decided as I was praying last night (took a one hour shift from Pastor Brent) that just as much as reading and pondering the word is important, we also need to take time to "BE".  So this morning I decided to spend time taking in the awesome depth of creation as I gazed at the stars in the early morning sky.  "What an amazing and wonderful Creator we serve" I proclaimed from my heart.  I know I need to make sure I take the time to "BE" in my relationship with God.  To proclaim His majesty and experience His wonder.

God did not save you or me for us to "do".  He saved us first and foremost to "BE".  To be His children.  To be His family.  To be His Church.  To be His bride.  To be His vessels.  To be His servants.  To be His hands and feet.  To be worshipers.  We need to "BE" and out of that He will use us to "do".  so often I get it all mixed up and focus on the "do".

I have 2 challenges to share with you today.  The first is to take some time to "BE".  Get quiet and worship God and enjoy His majesty.  The second is to start taking time (like and hour) and pray through your facebook friends list.  I could only make it through to the letter E in my list in one hour but I plan to pick up where I left off with another hour soon.  We all have prayer lists in front of us every day, maybe we should make use of them.

Enjoy the Lord today and lift up others to Him.

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