The first is a challenge to myself, Jesus was breaking all the cultural acceptable norms. Here he was talking to a woman about life and spiritual things alone without a large group present. Here he was teaching outside the bounds of the church of the day (the Jews) and fellowshipping with Samaritans. I am so challenged that we need to go to those who are not acceptable to the current culture and church communities with the love and care and Truth of the Gospel. It is good to train up Christians, but we should be training then to move into radical ministry like this. Not the acceptable safe mode of common church today. Tough stuff for me as a pastor. I pray that the Lord will help me to live this and help others to live it.
The second is the reminder that Jesus brings true eternal refreshment. The living water He talks about is the symbol of eternal refreshment. Yet so often I find myself worn out and tired and not refreshed. It is a reminder that I am to operate within what He has for me and no matter how hard that is it will be filled with His refreshment. Fits with the whole teaching on the burden being light and yoke easy. It is not saying that I will not endure any hardship, but that His grace is greater and comfort deeper than those hardships.
The third thing for today is such a small line but a HUGE reminder. Verse 26 Jesus says "I who speak to you am He". WHOA! Jesus is making such a simple calm statement to confirm that He is the Messiah. The Savior, The Son of God, The One who would bring freedom. Jesus is the Messiah, I did not need to figure it out, He said it. Let us Worship the Messiah today, the one who came to bring freedom from the bondage of sin and to make a way for us to be in a right relationship with God.
Worship Jesus the Messiah!
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