HE who lives without prayer—he who lives with little prayer—he who seldom reads the Word—he who seldom looks up to heaven for a fresh influence from on high—he will be the man whose heart will become dry and barren; but he who calls in secret on his God—who spends much time in holy retirement—who delights to meditate on the words of the Most High—whose soul is given up to Christ—such a man must have an overflowing heart; and as his heart is, such will his life be. - Charles Spurgeon from "Daily Help"The "Tone" for our life should be set by our attitude and obedience in prayer and the Word. When we with all humility seek the Lord Jesus to commune with us and grow us and use us based on our time with Him then He will by the power of the Holy Spirit flow out of us. This is where the true beauty of the Christian life is found.
Sacrifice your sleep, your leisure and your hard work (yes even your hard work) and make your spiritual relationship with your Lord a priority. If that foundation is in proper order then the rest of life will be easier to live in the Faith you have been called to.
Let us walk together
Pastor Bruce
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