So fast forward another couple thousand years and today we have a variety of views. Some believe we need to legalistically keep the Sabbath on Saturday, some on Sunday, and still others that we need not bother with any Sabbath. I believe that Jesus completely fulfilled the law requirement for Christians and as such we are not bound to keep a specific Sabbath day. However we are those who live under the Lordship of Jesus are called to follow Him and His Word. So I have become convicted that we are to seek to live in the "principle" of Sabbath as Christians. We are supposed to set aside a regular day of rest, to show that we do not rely on our own work, but on God. It is also a lot healthier to take a regular day of rest.
So is it Sunday? Saturday? Well I think the specific day is not so important. There has been a lot of confusion over the day of corporate worship and the Sabbath. In our day it is almost foolish to really believe Sunday is a day of rest for most Christians. At least Pastors, Church workers and key volunteers, they all do not get a day of rest on Sunday. And most of the rest of western Christianity does not really rest on Sunday either. So I suggest that everyone pick a day of rest and a day of worship. So I have corporate worship with my Church family on Sunday but my day of Sabbath is Monday. What about you?
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