Monday, October 15, 2012

The Rest Principle

In the Bible, very early on in the book of Genesis we are called to take a day of rest.  God called it the 7th day a Sabbath and we as people are to rest.  So fast forward a few thousand years and you would meet Jesus, God in the flesh.  The Jewish people of the time had taken God's Sabbath and made it into something it was not meant to be, they had made it into an "idol".  Jesus when confronted about His actions on the Sabbath responded that mankind was not created for the Sabbath day, but rather the Sabbath day was created for mankind.  Jesus was not saying that the Sabbath was invalid but that it needs to kept in the right place and not placed above its purpose.

So fast forward another couple thousand years and today we have a variety of views.  Some believe we need to legalistically keep the Sabbath on Saturday, some on Sunday, and still others that we need not bother with any Sabbath.  I believe that Jesus completely fulfilled the law requirement for Christians and as such we are not bound to keep a specific Sabbath day.  However we are those who live under the Lordship of Jesus are called to follow Him and His Word.  So I have become convicted that we are to seek to live in the "principle" of Sabbath as Christians.  We are supposed to set aside a regular day of rest, to show that we do not rely on our own work, but on God.  It is also a lot healthier to take a regular day of rest.  

So is it Sunday?  Saturday?  Well I think the specific day is not so important.  There has been a lot of confusion over the day of corporate worship and the Sabbath.  In our day it is almost foolish to really believe Sunday is a day of rest for most Christians.  At least Pastors, Church workers and key volunteers, they all do not get a day of rest on Sunday.  And most of the rest of western Christianity does not really rest on Sunday either.  So I suggest that everyone pick a day of rest and a day of worship.  So I have corporate worship with my Church family on Sunday but my day of Sabbath is Monday.  What about you?  


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